Campus Life at National University for Security Sciences, (NUSS), Islamabad

At National University for Security Sciences (NUSS), Islamabad, campus life is more than just attending classes ā€“ it’s an enriching experience that shapes your personal and academic growth. Our campus is a dynamic hub of activity, fostering a community where students from diverse backgrounds come together to learn, engage, and create lasting memories.

Diverse Community and Connections

Step onto our campus, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by a tapestry of cultures, perspectives, and talents.

Facilities at NUSS

Advanced Labs and Research Facilities

From cyber security to forensics, our campus boasts fully equipped laboratories that allow students to engage in hands-on learning

Library and Digital Resources

Our library is more than just book repository ā€“ it is a dynamic hub of information and intellectual exploration


Our classrooms are designed to enhance the learning experience with the latest educational technology

Why Choose NUSS?

Welcome to National University for Security Sciences (NUSS), Islamabad – Where Excellence Meets Opportunity!

Discover a world of endless possibilities at National University for Security Sciences, your gateway to a transformative and professional education journey.

Here’s why you should choose NUSS…

We Are Specialized in the
Following Services

Degree Programs

Offering the best courses for the future


Our extensive training programs

Short Courses

Offering veriety of Short coursesĀ 

Polytechnique Courses

Courses designt to train you in the field of polytechnique

Research Studies

Courses focusing on the ability of research and development

Centre of Excellence for Security Sciences

Excellence is the key

Your future starts with a good education. Start learning!

A Project of
SOS Foundation

Save Our society (SOS) is a charity organization financially supported by Security Organizing System (SOS) Pakistan. Our aim is to help the underprivileged communities in Pakistan by providing assistance to them in education, healthcare, access to clean drinking water, skilled based trainings, financial aid and striving to make the environment cleaner by driving plantation campaigns and setting up small community parks.

Chairman's Message

It is with immense pleasure and a sense of purpose that I address you as the Chairman of the National University for Security Sciences (NUSS), Islamabad. Our endeavour to provide an unparalleled education experience is underpinned by our commitment to innovation, relevance, and global impact.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the significance of security sciences and technology education cannot be overstated. As we stand at the crossroads of technological advancements and complex challenges, the need for individuals equipped with the knowledge and skills to address modern security threats has never been greater.

NUSS recognizes the dynamic nature of security concerns that span digital landscapes, societal spheres, and traditional domains. We are proud to introduce a pioneering curriculum that melds cutting-edge technology education with the principles of security sciences. This interdisciplinary approach will empower our students to not only navigate the digital age but also safeguard it.

Cybersecurity breaches, data vulnerabilities, and emerging risks necessitate a new breed of professionals who can design, implement, and manage resilient security solutions. Our programs will foster critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and hands-on expertise to prepare our students to excel in this ever-evolving landscape.

Let me assure the parents and their wards that our faculty comprises seasoned experts who are committed to nurturing academic excellence while also providing a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth. I also encourage our students to embrace this unique opportunity to become trailblazers in the emerging field of security sciences. Your dedication to mastering your field of studies will not only enrich your lives but also contribute to the safety and advancement of our interconnected world.

To our stakeholders, I extend an invitation to join us in shaping the future of education and security. Your support, insights, and collaboration will enable us to create graduates who are not just well-equipped professionals, but also responsible global citizens who understand the ethical implications of their actions.

As we embark on this transformative journey together, I am filled with optimism about the impact we can make. The fusion of security sciences and technology education is not just a response to the challenges of today but a preparation for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Thank you for being part of our university’s exciting inception. Together, we will nurture a generation of leaders who can navigate the complexities of our world with wisdom, innovation, and a commitment to security.

Warm regards,
Kanwar Tariq
National University for Security Sciences